Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2 Months

Lena is 2 months old today. She had her check-up and weighs 9lbs 8oz. She's long and thin, like her Daddy. She got her shots too, and did not like those. They made her pretty grumpy. So, I gave her extra hugs and kisses and put her to sleep. Napping is getting better; she only fusses for a few minutes, then passes out for hours. She's awesome!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day

Seth stayed home today. So, we dressed up Lena in her matching knit hat and gloves and took her out to see her first snow.

Here are some pictures of Lena playing in her favorite chair and smiling.

Monday, January 19, 2009

8 Weeks

I can't believe our Monkey is 8 weeks old! She's outgrown most of her newborn clothes, sadly, as they are so cute. But, she's now smiling, laughing and cooing. She loves to look up at her hanging toys or the ceiling fan. I'm thinking of making a giant mobile on the fan in her room. And guess what? She slept through the night last night. Mom and Dad got 8 hours of sleep! Seth got up at 6am to make sure she was still breathing (she was), so we let her sleep until after 7am. Woohoo! (Now if we could just get her to nap really well...)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hangin' Out

Below is a picture especially for Uncle Jason. I'm not going to say the words, but they rhyme with "bitty singers". (Sorry if not everyone understands this inside joke, but you would thank me.)

Here is the Monkey (her nickname) hangin' out in Man-Town with Daddy and the guys. She's the only girl allowed, so we got a picture of her watching the game.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Lena is spending much more time awake these days. She likes to look at the ceiling fan, the pictures on the walls and out the window. Here are some pix of her pretty eyes and her playing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am a Mouse

This morning we read "I am a Mouse". I told Lena this is the book that makes you smart. She paid close attention while I read and pointed out all the little animals in the book. I think she liked it. We also read her little lamb finger puppet book. She liked that one too. I think the book for tomorrow will be "The Little Engine that Could", given to her by Uncle Jason.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


We took Lena for her first hike around Falls Lake. We bundled her up in the Baby Bjorn and she loved it. Actually, she slept most of the time. But it was nice being outside. Seth told her about different kinds of ferns and trees. She listens really well. Maybe she'll be a biologist, like her parents?

6 Weeks

Hi Everyone! Seth said we should start a blog for Lena, so here we go. Hopefully, I can keep up with it.

Lena is now 6 weeks old. She is smiling and cooing all the time. She loves to be held and loves bath time. She does NOT like having her diaper changed, though. And, naptime isn't her favorite. She just wants to be with us all the time. Thank God, and Aunt Shannon, for the vibrating chair. She loves it!

Here is Lena at New Year's Eve. We had a fondue party and everyone had a good time with her.

This is Lena on Christmas. She is wearing a "My First Christmas" sleeper from Great Nana and Great Dan-Dan. She looks like a little candycane. So cute!