Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lena and Zoe

Lena and Zoe are good pals. Zoe stays in Lena's room every night and at nap time. In fact, Lena insists on it, or no sleeping! Lena also gives her breakfast, dinner, water, medicine, and hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Lena and Eden got to hang put some more in Virginia, at Memome's house. These two girls are so cute together and totally photogenic! Aren't they pretty?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Horse Ride

The girls went for a ride on Foxy, our neighbors' horse. They loved it!

Covered Bridge

There is a covered bridge (so cool!!) about 15 minutes from our house, so we took the girls there for pictures.

Cousin Eden Comes to Visit!!

Cousin Eden and Aunt Shannon came to visit on Saturday. The girls have had so much fun together. They are like 2 peas in a pod. They do everything together- eat, play, potty, and if they could, sleep. Of course, they would never actually sleep if put in the same room together.

We went for a hike yesterday. The girls liked to throw sticks into the stream.