Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Lion Says Roar

We have a new game with Lena. You ask her, "What does the lion say?". Then move your head toward her while roaring. Then she does it back to you. She moves toward you with her mouth open and goes "rah". Seriously, she is so smart! Here's a video of it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My First Day with Dad

Well, now that Mom has gone back to work (boohoo), Lena is hanging out with either Mama Mills or Dad. Today is the first day that Dad is taking care of her all day! So far, it is going pretty well. Doesn't she look cute in her striped sweater hoodie?

Lena is now eating a little rice cereal in the morning (she has the Ryan appetite), and she likes it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love the Mom-Chair

Lena loves to sit in the "Mom-Chair". After she eats, she relaxes in Mom's lap and watches the tube. When she's full, her belly sticks out and she looks like an old man sitting in a recliner. She's so cute!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Lena now loves to play on her mat, donated by cousin Evan. She'll lay here for about 45 minutes and play with the toys, laughing and smiling. She also tries to roll onto her side. I can't believe how strong she is getting! I uploaded lots of pix because she is just so darn cute. Her eyes are huge!

Pretty Girl

She's tilting her head back to see the TV, which she loves. Can you blame her? It's 42 inches wide!

"I'm trying to roll over!"

Happy girl!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Finally, an Update!

Lena is getting bigger. She now enjoys her swing and bats at the little toys hanging overhead. She is also napping really well now. She wakes up smiling, which just warms your heart.

We finally had Christmas with the Little Brenner Family. Here is cousin Edy opening her gifts.

We took pictures with Edy, and she reached out to Lena. These two are going to get into trouble together one day...