Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cook-Out with Friends

We had a cook-out this past weekend, and invited lots of kids for Lena. There were 4 girls and 2 boys (although Jack is only 3 weeks old!). There were toys everywhere! Everyone had a great time, and the kids were exhausted! The adults had fun laughing at their little ones' antics.

Claire giving Lena a push in the swing.

Kai- look at that cute belly!

Meredith, Lena, Claire, and Maddie. The pool is always a hit.

Claire and Lena. I have no idea, but it was too funny not to post.

Lena and Maddie playing a duet.

Father's Day??

These pictures were taken on Father's Day. However, none of the pictures have Dada! But, they were so cute, I had to share.

We had Uncle Jason out for some grillin' since his little girl is in Florida. He showed Lena how to whistle with a blade of grass between your thumbs. Lena was captivated.

Lena took a minute to model on an old bench.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today, we found out that Lena lost her Great Great Grandmother, my Great Nana. Even though Lena never had the chance to meet her, I want my daughter to know what a special woman Great Nana was. Lena will know that she was a kind and loving lady. She will know about the ginger ale in peach-colored cups, Cracker Jack, and candies in the milk-glass bowl. She will know about the tinker toys and dolls that her mother played with at Great Nana's home. Lena will know that the piano she plays once belonged to Great Nana. She will know that the blue dresses she wore, that I once wore, were made by Great Nana. She will know that I wore Great Nana's bracelet in my wedding, and someday, she may too. She will know these things because I will tell her. I will tell her stories about Great Nana, to keep her memory alive and to let Lena know where she came from. These memories are important to me, and I hope they will be to Lena.

I miss you Great Nana.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Growing and Coloring

It's been a few weeks, and Lena has been growing up a lot. She has gotten taller and had a growth spurt since her 15-month appointment. She's 80% in height, 30% in weight, and still 3% for her head. She's super-smart, so her brains must be tightly packed-in. Ever since she hit 18 months, she has just taken off! She has a great vocabulary, and learns a new word daily. Her faves are monkey (mung-ee), light (yite), breakfast, pancake, Einstein (yes, Einstein), and All Done.

Since she soaks things up like a sponge, I decided it was time for Lena to color! She likes to play with pens, but crayons and colored pencils are much more fun.

Pretty colors

Hmmm, which do I want first?

Double-fisting red and orange!

Ohhhh- so pretty!

All done!