Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hiking Part 2

Good job with the pix, Dada!

Hiking Part 1

Lena went hiking with Dada, Mama Mills, Susie and Zoe. It looks like they had a good time.

Random Silliness

Lena is the silliest monkey around. Everyday is like a comedy. When she gets together with Edy-Bug, it's even better.

They were wearing sunglasses and running around the house together.

Goofy Monkey

Silly Bug


Crazy-hair (this is what happens when she bounces off the couch cushions)

In the Back Yard

Lena loves to hang out in the back yard, so Seth took some pictures.

Mama Mills and Monkey Lena