Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

15 Months

Lena is now 15 months old, so I'll give an update. She had her appointment this week; she's 5% for weight and 75% for height. She's still tall and thin. She actually lost weight since her last appointment, but I think it's from the teething. When she's teething, she doesn't want to eat. But, she does love her milk.

She now has 4 teeth. The top two broke though last week. I gave her her first haircut too. She has a little "baby-bob". It's really cute. She runs all over the place and goes up and down steps, without help. She loves running around outside when it's not raining. She'd probably run in the rain if we let her.

We're trying to get her to eat her veggies. I have to make them really small or hide them. She actually likes to eat adult food more than baby food. She always wants what is on our plate. And, she's getting really good with her utensils. She loves stabbing food with her fork. Spaghetti is the most fun though- she loves the way the noodles stretch, and make a mess.

Lena is also learning her letters. She knows what sounds "A" and "B" make. She knows what a monkey looks like and imitates the sound. She follows directions really well too- like putting toys away and closing drawers.

Life with Lena is awesome! She's so entertaining. Here are some of her antics.

This is my favorite face- the "Crinkle-nose".

This was at Eli's first birthday. She loves the rocking giraffe.

More of the tree-monkey

More park pictures

Valentine's Cake

Lena and I made a really delicious Valentine's cake- strawberry cake with chocolate frosting. YUMMY. We wore our matching aprons too.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tree Monkey

I love, love, LOVE these pictures. She looks like a monkey climbing a tree.

Fun with Lena

We've been having a lot of fun with Lena. If it's not raining, we're outside. She rides in her car, hangs out with the girls and goes to the park.

She's a little short for the pedals, but she loves being pushed around.

This is how I get Lena to cuddle with me. She's a little wary of the butterfly. She'll hand it to me because she's curious, but she climbs on my lap when I turn it on. The butterfly flaps its wings and she hugs me.