Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ryans

Seth's parents came to visit this weekend. The weather was gorgeous so we relaxed on the deck. Lena loves getting to know her family.

Cousin Edy's Birthday

We celebrated Cousin Edy's 1st Birthday last Saturday. We had a great time with presents and cake. Lena joined in by donning a hat and having some cake icing. Yummy!

Eden in her kiddie recliner.

Four Generations- Mom, Amy, Memome and Lena

Lena looks so cute in her birthday hat!

A giant cupcake- yum yum yum

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big Eyes and Strong Legs

I can't believe Lena is almost 4 months old. She is changing so much. She's so strong and playful. Her whole body gets really stiff, and she stands so still. You barely have to hold her. She laughs and gurgles and takes in everything around her. Her eyes are huge! She looks at you, and they get really big and blue.

Lena also loves to kick her legs and knock down the arches on her play mat. Watch the video.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fun at Falls Lake

We went for a walk at Falls Lake today with our friends Josh, Jeree, and Eli. Lena and Eli are friends already. They held hands and made silly faces at their parents.

Lena's "Nanny"

Lena is enjoying her time with Mama Mills. They sing songs, read, clap their hands, and go on walks. Lena is so lucky to have her!

Pics with Mom and Dad

We took some pictures with Mom and Dad. Lena is so sweet in her little cherry outfit.