Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Lena is going through big changes these days. She has decided that she does not want to stay in her crib anymore. So, after much sneaking-out-of-bed, we have converted to the toddler bed. We set it up and tonight is her first night. She only got out four times! I think she's pretty excited about it though.
Trying it out...

 Reading a story first...

 Hugging baby elephant...

 Looking so sweet...

I like this!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eli's Birthday

Lena went to Eli's 2nd birthday party last weekend. She discovered the sit-and-spin and loved it. Playing at Eli's house is always fun. They have lots of good toys.

Birthday Boy Eli- He "digs" being 2 (it was a construction-themed party)