Here are the adventures of Lena Anne...3 year old girl, silly and so much fun. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

So, Christmas just gets more fun each year that Lena gets older. I think she understood why we have Christmas. We started reading a book a couple of weeks ago- The Story of Christmas. It explains the birth of Jesus and why we give presents. For the past 2 weeks, she has been saying "Baby Jesus" and carrying that book around with her. We asked her yesterday whose birthday it will be, and she said "Baby Jesus!" We explained that Santa is a "representative" of Jesus, and brings gifts to celebrate his birth. She seems to like that, and says "Ho Ho" when you mention Santa.

Lena also liked to open her presents. She got some nice things. (Dad- the cat piano is a hit!) She also likes the cookie jar from great Nana and great Dan-Dan, her ruby slippers, her robe, doll clothes and monkey back-pack from Mammie Mills. She would like to think my Sing-a-ma-jigs are hers, but those are mine! (Which are AWESOME.)

We had dinner with Mammie, and Lena loved the turkey and biscuits. However, the day was very eventful, and not much else was eaten.